International permaculture conference in Cuba,IPC 11
Time is flying so fast! Unbelievable... So I need to update for sure. Lot's of exciting things are happening at the moment. But I...
TEDx city 2.0
Tedxcity2.o 2013 on Curacao! Beroots was talking too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQdTWqoJMRU&feature=youtu.be

Beroots is Teaching how to Compost on Curacao to 122 people in small groups!
Teaching on compost was a fun day! The people were so interested in what compost was and how it works. I was lucky to be able to teach in...

30-07-2013 Beroots is teaching peramculture at "Tuma Mi Man" Daycare school.
he children were so sweet and very involved with the permaculture lesson. At the end of the lesson they all came to me to ask for more...

Teaching peramculture at Finca del Sol vacation plan.
It was a again a big success that Beroots was teaching permaculture at Finca del Sol! As you can see the children loved to build and...

Beroots-permaculture was teaching 30 childern how to compost on Curacao
at Finca del sol Summer-camp.

2013 3 June, Teaching children at a Childrens home
It was a very exciting day! Teaching the childeren in a Childrens home how to plant a seed in recycled boxes & bottles. Explaining what...

2013 29 May, Workshop about how to build an A-frame & how it works
Walking around at the working site during sunset I found my wonderful sticks! I just needed 3 strong sticks. Some nails, a hammer,...

2013 15 May, Workshop building a compost heap
Before I started to give the workshop I had to collect my materials! Driving around in the neighborhood, scouting for good compost stuff....